
Adib Chowdhury

Adib Chowdhury

Friendship is one of life's greatest properties for people to indulge in and see flourish. It essentially is a mutual alliance between people for the enjoyment and benefit of those in the relationship that can sprout for numerous reasons such as common interests, personality synergy, and much more. The term friendship, while being relatively simple to define, does have a great deal of depth to it due how people interact with each other. A genuine friendship between people is a symbol of their requited association with each other that they likely cherish because the foundation of the relationship still exists and is prevalent to them.
The concept of friendship is a very important aspect of life that everybody should work on and involve themselves with. Sometimes even friendships come unknowing just because human interaction can be very impactful even in minimal circumstances. Something as small as seeing someone everyday in the halls can lead to friendships. This very miniscule interaction that comes consistently is a very strong foundation for a friendship just because how humans yearn for association and social interaction in order to either keep themselves busy or for their own enjoyment. That is because making friends and retaining those relationships are second nature for some due to the fact that they are well aware that such associations with people are just mandatory in life. By mandatory, it means that it is very unlikely not to make friends in life to the point where it is just a standard of life to have some.
Ideally friendships are made with good intent and meant for the betterment of the people in the relationship. With the fact that it mostly can stem from the agreement of the people involved that the company of the other people is enjoyable and welcomed, the friendship can last. Such a pure and evolving property of life is one of the many things that makes it worth living.

This was an entry for a writing contest held in conjunction with Center for Fiction and The Decameron Project